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- [News]Opinions solicited on draft food safety law
- Main Responsibilities of the National Medical Products Administration
- NMPA Announcement on Issuance and Implementation of the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Labels
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Catalogue of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (Edition 2021)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Working Procedures for the Administration of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics and the Technical Guidelines for the Study and Drafting of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics
- Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidelines for Submitting Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics (Interim)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Classification Rules and Classification Catalogue of Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)
- Contact Us
- BeijingTianjianhuacheng International Investment Co.,Ltd
- Guideline of application and evaluation of children’s cosmetics
- Cosmetics declare FAQ
- Declarations Registered Raiders of Cosmetics
- Procedure
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- Cooperation cases
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)