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- [News]SFDA to simplify procedures for name or address changes of cosmetics producers
- Main Responsibilities of the National Medical Products Administration
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- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Catalogue of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (Edition 2021)
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- Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidelines for Submitting Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics (Interim)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Classification Rules and Classification Catalogue of Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)
- Contact Us
- BeijingTianjianhuacheng International Investment Co.,Ltd
- Guideline of application and evaluation of children’s cosmetics
- Cosmetics declare FAQ
- Declarations Registered Raiders of Cosmetics
- Procedure
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- Cooperation cases
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)