化妆品卫生标准GB7916一87 |
中华人民共和国国家标准 UDC 668.58:613.49
化 妆 品 卫 生 标 准 GB7916一87
Hygienic standard for cosluetics
1 总则
1.1 为向广大消费者提供符合卫生要求的化妆品,确保化妆品的卫生质量和使用安全,加强化妆品的卫生监督管理,保障人民身体健康,特制定本标准。
1.2 化妆品系指涂、擦、散布于人体表面任何部位(如表皮。毛发、指甲、口唇等)或口腔粘膜,以达到清洁、护肤、美容和修饰目的的产品。
1.3 在国内从事化妆品生产、销售都必须遵守本标准。进口化妆品也必须符合本标准的规定。
1.4 地、市以上(含地、市)卫生防疫部门负责对辖区内的化妆品生产实行卫生监督;县以上(含县)卫生防疫部门负责对所辖区内的化妆品销售实行卫生监督。
1.5 在卫生部下设“化妆品安全性评审组”,负责对全国化妆品安全性的有关重大疑难问题进行评审。其办事机构负责受理进口化妆品原料及化妆品产品的注册、登记、审查等事宜。
2 化妆品卫生标准
2.1.1 化妆品必须外观良好,不得有异臭。
2.1.2 化妆品不得对皮肤和粘膜产生刺激和损伤作用。
2.1.3 化妆品必须无感染性,使用安全。
2.2 对原料的要求
2.2.1 禁止使用表2中所列物质为化妆品组分。
2.2.2 凡以表3至表6中所列物质为化妆品组分的,必须符合表中所作规定。
2.2.3 凡使用两种以上表3至表6中所列物质为化妆品组分时,必须符合如下规定:具有同类作用的物质其用量与表中规定限量之比的总和不得大于1。
2.3 对产品的要求
2.3.1 化妆品的微生物学质量应符合下述规定: 眼部、口唇、口腔粘膜用化妆品以及婴儿和儿童用化妆品细菌总数不得大于500个/ml或500个/g。 其他化妆品细菌总数不得大于1000个/m1或1000个/g。 每克或每毫升产品中不得检出粪大肠菌群、绿脓杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌。
2.3.2 化妆品中所含有毒物质不得超过表1中规定的限量。
表1 化妆品中有毒物质限量
有毒物质 | 限量,ppm | 备注 |
汞 | 1 | 含有机汞防腐剂的眼部化妆品除外(见表4) |
铅(以铅计) | 40 | 含乙酸铅的染发剂除外(见表6) |
砷(以砷计) | 10 | |
甲醇 | 0.2% |
2.4 化妆品包装材料必须无毒和清洁。
2.5 化妆品标签上应用中文注明产品各称、生产企业、产地,包装上注明批号。对含药物化妆品或可能引起不良反应的化妆品尚需注明使用方法和注意事项。
2.6 对演员化妆品的某些特殊要求另订。
3 化妆品的卫生检验和监督
3.1 对化妆品卫生指标的检验按(GB7917.1~7917.4一87)《化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法》和(GB7918.1~7918.5一87)《化妆品微生物标准检验方法》进行。
3.2 对化妆品原料和产品的安全性评价按GB79l9一87《化妆品安全性评价程序和方法》进行。
3.3 化妆品监督部门有权派员到所辖区化妆品生产厂检查生产过程的卫生情况以及抽样检查产品的卫生质量。
3.4 监督人员抽检的样品,必须立即贴上封条,并贴标签注明采样地点、日期、采样人和其他有关事项。
3.5 监督部门应有计划地对化妆品生产和销售的卫生管理和产品的安全卫生问题进行不定期的检查。
表 2 化妆品组分中禁用物质
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | [乙二酰双(亚氨乙稀)]双[(0-氯苄基)二乙基铵]盐类;例如:安贝氯铵(酶斯的明) | [oxalylbis (iminoethylene)] bis[o-chlorobenzyl] dietylammonium] salts,e.g.ambenomium chlorde* |
2 | 乙硫烟胺 | Ethionamide*(2-ethylisonicotinthioamide;α-ethylisonicotinic thioamide;2-ethyl-4-thiocar-bamoylpyridine |
3 | 3-乙基-5′,6′,7′,8′-四氢-5′,6′,8′,8′-四甲基-2′-乙酰萘(乙酰乙基四甲萘满,AETT) | 3′-ethyl-5′,6′,7′,8′-tetrahydro-5′,6′,8′,8′-tetramethyl-2′-acetonaphthalene(acetyl ethyl tetramethyl tetralin,AETT) |
4 | 乙酰胆碱及其盐类 | (2-acetoxydthyl)trimethylammoniun hydroxide (acetylcholine) and its salts |
5 | 二甲已胺及其盐类 | octodrine* (1,5-dimethylhexylamine;2-amino-6-methylheptane)and its salts |
6 | 1,3二甲戊胺及其盐类 | 1,3-dimethylpentylamine and its salts |
7 | 二羟西君及其盐类 | dioxethedrin*(1-(3,4-dihydroxphenyl) -2-ethy-lamino –1-propanol) and its salts |
8 | 二甲苯胺类及它们的同分异构体、盐类以及卤化的和磺化的衍生物 | xylidines,their isomers,salts and halogenated and sulphonated derivatives |
9 | 2,3-二氯-2-甲基丁烷 | 2,3-dichloro-2-methylbutane |
10 | 二硫化碳 | carbon disulphide |
11 | O,O′-二惭酰基-N-烯丙基-N-去甲基吗啡碱 | O,O′-diacetyl-N-normorpnine |
12 | 5-(α,β-二溴苯乙基)-5-甲基乙内酰脲 | 5-(α,β-dibronophenethyl)-5-methylhydantoin |
13 | 二氯乙烷(氯化乙烯) | dichloroethanes (ethylene chlorides) |
14 | 二氯乙烯(氯化乙炔) | dichloroetnylenes (acetylene chlorides) |
15 | 二甲胺 | dimethylamine |
16 | 二甲双胍及其盐类 | metformin*(1,1-dimethylbiguanide;N,N-dimethyl-guanylguanidine)and its salts |
17 | 二硝基苯酚同分异构体 | didnitrophenol isomers |
18 | 5,5-二苯基-4-咪唑酮 | 5,5-diphenyl-4-imidazol;done |
19 | 二苯沙嗪 | difencloxazine*(4-[2-(p-chloro-α-phenylhenzyloxy)ethyl]morpholine) |
20 | 4,4′二羟基-3,3′-(3-甲基硫代亚丙基)双香豆素 | 4,4′-dihydroxy-3,3′(3-methylthiopropylidene)-di-coumarin |
21 | 二甲亚砜 | dimethyl sulfoxide* |
22 | 二(口恶)烷 | dioxane |
23 | 二氯N-水杨酰苯胺 | dichlorosalicylanilides |
24 | 二溴N-水杨酰苯胺 | dibromosalicylanilides |
25 | 二甲基甲酰胺 | dimethylformamide |
26 | 二氢速甾醇 | dihydrotachysterol*(dichystrol) |
27 | 二苯拉林及其盐类 | diphenylpyraline*(4-benzhydryloxy-1-mt=ethylpiperi-dine)and its salts |
28 | 二次亚碘酸5,5′-二异丙基-2,2′-二甲基联苯-4,4′-二基酯 | 5,5′-di-isopropyl-2,2′-dimethylbiphenyl-4,4′diyl dihypoiodite |
29 | 丁卡因(地卡因)及其盐类 | Tetracaine*(deanol p-butylaminobenzoate)and its salts |
30 | 丁苯那嗪及其盐类 | tetrabenazine*(1,3,4,6,7,llb-hexahydro-3-isobutyl-9,10-dimethoxy-2H-berzo(a)puinolizin-2-one)and its salts |
31 | 丁二腈(琥珀腈) | succinonitrile |
32 | 1-丁基-3-(N-巴豆酰对氨基苯磺酰)脲 | 1-butyl-3-(N-crotonoylsuphanilyl)urea |
33 | 三碘甲腺丙酸及其盐类 | thyropropic acid* and its salts (4-(4-hyroxy-3-iodophenoxy)-3,5-diiodohydrocinnamic acid) |
34 | 三氯乙酸 | trichloroacetic acid |
35 | 三甲沙林(天然精油中规定量除外) | trioxysalen*(4,5,8-trimethylpsoralen;trioxsalen)except for normal content in the natural essences used |
36 | 三氟哌丁苯 | trifluperidol*(1-[3-(p-fluorobenzoyl)propyl] –4-(m-trifluoromethylpheryl) -4-piperidinol |
37 | 三乙蜜胺 | tretamine*(2,4,6-tris(1-aziridinyl)-s-triazine;triethylenemelamine |
38 | 三氯硝基甲烷(氯化苦) | trichloronitromethane (chloropicrine) |
39 | 2,2,2-三氯化烷-1,1-二醇 | 2,2,2-trichloroethane-1,1-diol |
40 | 3,4,5-三甲氧苯乙基胺及其盐类 | 3,4,5-trimethoxyphone thylamine and its salts |
41 | 2,2,2-三溴乙醇 | 2,2,2-tribromoethancl (tribromoethyl alcohol) |
42 | 三硝酸甘油酯(硝酸甘油) | propane-1,2,3-triyl trinitrate |
43 | 三氯氮芥及其盐类 | trichlormethine*(tris(2-chloroethyl)amine;2,2′,2″-trichlorotriethylamine)and its salts |
44 | 马钱子和它的草药制剂 | strychnos species and their galenical preparations |
45 | 马钱子碱(布鲁生) | brucine |
46 | α-山道年 | α-santonin (35,5aR,9bS)-3,3a,4,5,5a,9b-hexahydro-3,5a,9-trimethylnaphto(1,2-b)furzn-2,8-dione) |
47 | 士的宁及其盐类 | strychnine and its salts |
48 | 已环酸钠 | sodium hexacyclonate*(sodium-2-(1-hydrox-ymethylcyclohexyl)acetate) |
49 | 已丙氨酯 | hexapropymate*(1-(2-propynyl)cyclohexanol carba-mate |
50 | 土荆芥(精油) | chenopodium ambrosioides (essenetial oil) |
51 | 双香豆素 | dicoumarol*(3,3′methylenebis(4-hydroxyconmarin) |
52 | N,N-双(2-氯乙基)甲胺-N-氧化物及其盐类 | N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine N-oxide and its salts |
53 | 双硫仑和单硫仑(舒非仑) | disulfiram*(tetraethylthiuram disulfide;bis(di-ethylthiocarbamyl)disulfide)and monosulfiram*(sul-firam;tetraethylthiuram monosulide) |
54 | 2,5-双(1-氮杂环丙稀基)-3,6-二丙氧基-1,4-苯醌 | inproquone*(2,5-bis(1-aziridinyl)-3,6-depropoxy-1,4-benzoquinone) |
55 | 双(4-羟基-2-氧代-1-苯并吡喃-3-基)乙酸乙酯及酸的盐类 | ethyl bis (4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1-benzopyran-3-yl)acetate and salts of the acid |
56 | 巴比妥酸盐类 | barbiturates |
57 | 巴豆(巴豆油) | croton tiglium(oil) |
58 | 匹莫林及其盐类 | penoline*(2-amino-5-phenyl-2-oxazolin-4-one)and its salts |
59 | 匹哌氮酯及其盐类 | pipazetate*(2-(2-piperid-1-ylethoxy)ethyl ester of 10H-pyrido(3,2-b)(1,4)benzothazine 10-carboxylic acid and its salts |
60 | 乌头碱及其盐类 | aconitine(principal alkaloid of aconitum napellus L.)and its salts |
61 | 五氯乙烷 | pentachloroethane |
62 | 五氰亚硝酰基高铁酸碱金属盐 | alkali pentacyannitrosylferrate(2-) |
63 | 五甲溴铵 | Pentamethonium bromide*(N,N′- pentamethylenebis(trimethylammonium)bromide |
64 | 六氯代苯(1,2,3,4,5,6-六氯环己烷) | 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocydlohexane(BHC-ISO) |
65 | 六氯乙烷 | hexacholoroethane |
66 | 六甲溴铵 | hexamethonium bromide*(N,N′-hexamethylenebis (trimethylammonium)bromide |
67 | 比他维林 | bietamiverine*(2-diethylaminoethyl α-phenyl-1-piperidineacetate |
68 | 贝托卡因及其盐类 | betoxycaine*(2-(2-diethylaminoethoxy)ethyl 3-amino-4-butoxybenzoate)and its salts |
69 | 贝美格(美解眠)及其盐类 | Bemegride*(3-ethyl-3-methylglutarimide) and its salts |
70 | 贝那替秦 | benactyzine*(2-diethylaminoethyl benzilate) |
71 | 天仙子碱及其盐类和衍生物 | hyoscine,its salts and derivatives |
72 | 天仙子胺及其盐类和衍生物 | hyoscyamine,its salts and derivatives |
73 | 天仙子的叶、种子、粉末和草药制剂 | eyocyamus niger L.(leaves,seeds,powder and galenical preparations) |
74 | 无机亚硝酸盐类(亚硝酸钠除外) | inorganic nitrites,with exception of sodium nitrite listed in annex 3 |
75 | 木防己苦毒素(印防己毒素) | picrotoxin |
76 | 匹鲁卡品及其草药制剂 | pilocarpine (5-[(4-eghyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrofuran-5-on-3-yl) methyl] -1-metnylimidazole) and its salts |
77 | 毛果芸香及其草药制剂 | Pilocarpus jaborandi holmes and its galenical prepara-tions |
78 | 月桂树籽油 | oil from the seeds of laurus nobilis L. |
79 | 2-甲基庚胺及其盐类 | 2-methylheptylamine and its salts |
80 | 8-甲氧补骨脂素(天然精油中规定量除外) | 8-methoxypsoralen (mtethoxsalen) except for normal content in the natural essences used |
81 | 甲氨嘌呤 | methotrexate*(N-[P-[(2,4-diamino-6-pteridyl-methyl) methylamino]benzoyl]-L-(+)-glutamic acid) |
82 | 甲苯胺类及其同分异构体、盐类以及卤化和磺化衍生物 | toluidimes,their isomers,salts and sulphonated derivatives |
83 | 甲苯磺丁脲 | tolbutamide*(1-butyl-3-(p-toluenesulfonyl) urea;1-butyl-3-tosylurea |
84 | 甲乙哌酮及其盐类 | methyprylon* (3,3-diethyl-5-methyl-2,4-piperidine-dione)and its salts |
85 | 甲巯咪唑 | thiamazole* (1-methyl-2-ijmidazolethiol) |
86 | 甲丙氨酯 | meprobamate*(2-methyl-2-propyl-1,3-propanediol dicarbamate) |
87 | 4-甲基-间-苯二胺及其盐类 | 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine and its salts |
88 | 2-(4-甲氧苄基-N-(2-吡啶基)氨基)乙基二甲胺马来酸盐 | 2-(4-methoxybenzyl-N-(2-pyridyl)amino) ethyldimethylamine maleate |
89 | 甲胺苯丙酮及其盐类 | Metamfepramone*(2-dimethylaminopropiophenone) and its salts |
90 | 甘露氮芥及其盐类 | mannomustine*(1,6-bis (2-chloroethylamino)-1,6-dideoxy-D-mannetol)and its salts |
91 | 卡溴脲 | carbromal*(1-(2-bromo-2-ety=hylbutyryl)urea) |
92 | 卡普托胺 | captodiame*(2-(p-butylmercaptoben-zaydrylmercapto)-N,N-dimethylethylamine |
93 | 卡拉米芬及其盐类 | caramiphen*(2-diethylaminoethyl eseter of 1-phenyl-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid)and its salts |
94 | 卡立普多 | Carisoprorol*(2-carbamyloxymethyl-2-isopropylcar-bamyloxymethylpentane |
95 | 四氯乙烯 | tetracholroethylene |
96 | 四氯化碳 | carbon tetrachloride |
97 | 四乙溴铵 | tetrylammonium bromide*(tetraethylammonium bro-mide) |
98 | 四氯N-水杨酰苯胺 | tetrabromosalicylanilides |
99 | 四溴N-水杨酰苯胺 | tetrabromosalicylanilides |
100 | 四磷酸六乙基酯 | hexaethyl tetraphosphate |
101 | 布坦卡因(丁苯胺卡因)及其盐类 | butanilicaine*(2-butylamino-6′-chloro-o-acetotolui-dide)and its salts |
102 | 布托哌啉及其盐类 | butopiprine*(2-butoxyethyl α-phenyl-1-piperidineacetate)and its salts |
103 | 右美沙芬及其盐类 | dextromethorphan*((+)-3-methoxy-N-methylmor-phinan)and its salts |
104 | 右丙氧吩 | dextropropoxyphene*(α-(+)-4-dimethylanino-3-methyl-1,2-diphenyl-2-butanol propionate ester) |
105 | 对中枢神精系统起作用的拟交感胺类 | sympathomimetic amines acting on the central ner-vous system |
106 | 对乙氧卡因及其盐类 | parethoxycaine*(2-diethylaminoethyl ester of p-ethoxybenzoic acid)and its salts |
107 | 对硫磷(硝苯硫磷酯、拍拉息昂) | O,O′-diethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl)phosphorothioate(parathion-ISO) |
108 | 丙戊酰脲 | allylisopropylacetylurea(2-isopropylpent-4-enoyl)urea;apronalid;apronal |
109 | 丙二腈 | malononitrile |
110 | 丙磺舒 | probenecid*(p-(dipropylsulfamoyl)benzoic acid) |
111 | 丙帕硝酯 | propatylnitrate*(2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol trinitrate 1,1,1-trisnitrato methyl-propane |
112 | 加兰他敏 | Galantamine*(1,2,3,4,6,7,7a,11c-octahydro-9- methoxy-2-methylbenzofuro-(4,3,2-e,f,g)(2)benzazocin-2-ol) |
113 | 加拉碘铵 | Gallamine trethiodide*(1,2,3-tris(2-diethy-laminoethoxy)benzene triethiodide) |
114 | 孕激素 | progestogens |
115 | 白藜芦的根及草药制剂 | veratrum album L.(roots and galenical preparations) |
116 | 北美黄连碱和北美黄连次碱以及它们的盐类 | hydrastine,hydrastinine and their salts |
117 | 北美山梗菜及其草药制剂 | lobelia inflata L.and its galenical preparations |
118 | 石榴皮碱(异石榴皮碱)及其盐类 | Pelletierine (isopelletierine)and its salts |
119 | 司巴丁(鹰爪豆碱、金雀花碱)及其盐类 | sparteine and its salts |
120 | 戊胺卡因 | amydricaine(benzoate of 1-dimethylamino-2- (dimethylaminomethyl)-2-butanol)and its salts |
121 | 戊四氯醛 | petrichloral*(1,1′,1″,1″′-neopentanetetryltetraoxy) tetrakis(2,2,2-trichloroethanol)) |
122 | (白)海葱及其药草制剂 | urginea scilla stern,and its galenical priparations |
123 | 去甲肾上腺素及其盐类 | noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and its salts |
124 | 龙葵及其草药制剂 | solanum nigrum L.and its galenical priparations |
125 | 曲帕拉醇 | triparanol*(2-(p-chlorophenyl)-1-[P-(2-diethy -laminoethoxy)phenyl-1-(p-tolyl) ethanol] |
126 | 曲吡那敏 | tripelennamine*(N-benzyl-N′,N′-dimethyl-N-(2-pyridyl)ethylenediamine) |
127 | 吗啉及其盐类 | morpholine(diethylene imidoxide)and its salts |
128 | 异艾氏剂 | (1R,4S,5R,8S)-1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene(isodrin-ISO) |
129 | 异丙肾上腺素 | isoprenaline* (3,4-dihydroxy-α-(isopropy-laminomethyl)benzyl alcohol |
130 | 异庚胺及其同分异构体和盐类 | tuaminoheptane*(2-aminoheptane;2-heptylamine),its isomers and salts |
131 | 异卡波肼 | isocarboxazid*(1-benzyl-2-(6-methylisoxazol -3-yl-carbonyl)hydrazine |
132 | 异丙安替比林 | propyphenzzone*(4-isopropyl-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one) |
133 | 戊诺酰胺 | valnoctamide*(2-ethyl-3-methylyaleramide)s |
134 | 异美丁及其盐类 | isometheptene*(6-methyl-2-methylaminohept-5-ene)and its salts |
135 | 异狄氏剂 | (1R,4S,5R,8S)-1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-6,7-e-poxy-1,4,4a,5,6,7,7,8a-oc-tahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene(endrin-ISO) |
136 | 吐根(根、粉末及草药制剂) | Ipecacuanha(cephaelis ipecacuanha brot.and related species)(roots,powder and galenical preparations) |
137 | 吐根酚碱及其盐类 | cophaeline and its salts |
138 | 吐根碱(依米丁、土根素),及其盐类和衍生物 | emetine its salts and derivatives |
139 | 那可丁及其盐类 | Noscapine*((-)-1-(6,7-dimethoxy-3-phthalidyl)-8-methoxy-2-methyl-6,7-methylenedioxy-1,2,3,4-te-trahydroixoquinoline) and its salts |
140 | 合成箭毒类 | synthetic curarizants |
141 | 亚硝酸戊酯类 | amyl nitrites |
142 | 肉桂酸-3-二乙氨基丙酯 | 3-diethylaminopropyl cinnamate |
143 | 夹竹桃甙(奥多诺甙) | odoroside |
144 | 多西拉敏及其盐类 | doxylamine*(2-[α-(2-dimethylaminoethoxy)-α-methylbenzyl]pyridine;histadoxylamine)and its salts |
145 | 地美戊胺及其盐类 | dimevamide*(4-dimethylamino-2,2-diphenylvaler-amide) and its salts |
146 | 地芬诺酯 | diphenoxylate*(ethyl ester of 1-(3-cyano-3,3-diphenylpropyl)-4-phenylisomipecotic acid) |
147 | 地阿诺醋谷酸盐 | deanol aceglumati*(dimethylaminoethyl hydrogen N-acetylglutamate |
148 | 托硼生 | tolboxane*(5-methyl-5-propyl-2-p-tolyl-1,3,2-diox-aborinane) |
149 | 过氧化氢酶 | catalase |
150 | 华法林及其盐类 | warfarin*and its salts(3-(α-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hy-droxycaumarin) |
151 | 西药毒药品(凡是中华人民共和国药政法规定管制的医疗用西药毒药品品种) | toxic pharmaceuticals(toxic pharmaceuticals used for therapeutic purposes controlled by the Drug Adminis-therapeutic purposes controlled by the Drug Adminis-tration Law of the People′s Reprblic of China |
152 | 羊角拗质素及其糖苷配基以及相应的衍生物 | strophanthines,their aglucones and their respective derivatives |
153 | 羊角拗及其草药制剂 | strophamtus and their galenical preparations |
154 | 辛可芬及其盐类,衍生物以及衍生物的盐类 | cimchopheg*(2-phenylcinchoninic acid)its salts,cerivatives and salts of these derivatives |
155 | 辛可卡因及其盐类 | cinchocaine*(2-butoxy-N-(2-diethylamincethyl) cin-choninamide)and its salts |
156 | 辛戊胺 | octamylamine*(2-isoamylamino-6-methylheptane) and its salts |
157 | 辛肼 | octamoxin*(1-(1-methylheptyl)-hydrazine) and its salts |
158 | 阿洛拉胺及其盐类 | alloclamide* and its salts(2-allyloxy-4-choro-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl) benzamide |
159 | 阿扑吗啡及其盐类 | apomorphine(R5,6,6a,7-tetrahydro-6-methyl-4H-debenzo(de,g)-quinoline-10,11-diol)and its salts |
160 | 阿托品及其盐类和衍生物 | atropine,ist salts and derivatives |
161 | 阿米替林及其盐类 | amitriptyine* (5-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene) –10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo-(a,d)cycloheptene) and its salts |
162 | 阿扎环醇及其盐类 | azacyclonol*(α,α-diphenyl-α-piperid-4-ylmethanol)and its salts |
163 | 阿密及其草药制剂 | ammi majus and its galenical preparations |
164 | 阿米卡因及其盐类 | amylocane (1-dimethylaminonethyl-1-methylpropyl benzoate) and its salts |
165 | 阿扎溴按 | azamethonium bromide (N,N′-[(methylimino)di-ethylene] bis (ethyldimethylamonium)bromide |
166 | 麦角二乙胺及其盐类 | lysergide*(N,N-diethyllysergaminde;lysergic acid di-ethylamide) and its salts |
167 | 麦角菌及其生物碱和草药制剂 | claviceps purpurea Tul,its alkaloids and galenical preparations |
168 | 汞和汞化合物(表4化妆品组分中限用防腐剂中的汞化合物除外) | mercury and its compounds with the exception of those given in annex 4 |
169 | 芬那露 | chlormezanone*(2-(p-chlorophenyl) tetrahydro-3-methyl-4H-1,3-thiazine-4-one 1,1-dioxide) |
170 | 苄氟噻嗪及其衍生物 | bendroflumethiazide*(3-benzyl-3,4-dihydro-6-triflu-oromethyl-2H-1,2,4-benzothiadiazine -7-sulfonamide 1,1-dioxide and its derinwtives |
171 | 抗菌素类 | antibiotics |
172 | 呋喃妥因 | nitrofurantoin*(1-(5-nitro-2-furfurylideneamino)-hydantoin) |
173 | 呋喃唑酮 | furazolidole*(3-(5-nitro-2-furfurylideneamino)-2-oxazolidinone) |
174 | 沙立度胺及其盐类 | thalidomide*(N-(2,6-dicxopiperid-3-yl)phthalimide) and its salts |
175 | 吩噻嗪 | phenothiazine*(dibenzoparathiazine;thiodipheny-lamine) |
176 | 邻苯二胺及其盐类 | o-phenylenediamine and its salts |
177 | 库美他罗 | coumetarol(3,3′-(2-methoxyethylidene) bis (4-hy-droxycoumarin) |
178 | 苯胺及其盐类以及卤化、磺化和衍生物类 | aniline,its salts and its halogenated and sulphonated derivaitves |
179 | 苯 | benzene |
180 | 苯并咪唑-2(2H)-酮 | benzimidazol-2(3H)-one |
181 | 苯磺酸钻 |
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