Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidelines for Submitting Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics (Interim)
In order to guide registrants and filing applicants of cosmetics and new raw materials to carry out registration and notification and submit relevant documents in a standardized manner, according to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics, Provisions for Registration and Notification of Cosmetics, Provisions for Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics, Provisions for Registration and Notification Dossier of New Cosmetic Raw Materials and other relevant provisions, NMPA has organized to formulate the Technical Guidelines for Submitting Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics (Interim), which was issued on April 12.
下一篇:NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Working Procedures for the Administration of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics and the Technical Guidelines for the Study and Drafting of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics »
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