- [常见问题]使用有机溶剂提取、纯化、酶解、发酵、合成、破壁等特定前处理工艺的原料申报保健食品,有哪些注意事项和审评要求?
- [常见问题]原料已纳入保健食品原料目录,产品原料每日用量超出保健食品原料目录规定的范围,这类产品如何进行注册或备案?
- [常见问题]原料已纳入保健食品原料目录,但产品声称的保健功能不在可备案范围的,这类产品如何注册或备案?
- [常见问题]已批准注册产品中,原料已纳入保健食品原料目录,但产品剂型形态不在可备案范围的,这类产品如何注册或备案?
- [常见问题]“双无”保健食品换证流程及常见问题汇总
- [常见问题]申报含蒽醌类成分原料的保健食品新产品应注意哪些问题?
- [常见问题]“双无”保健食品换证常见问题及解答(第一批)
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- [常见问题]保健食品广告能否声称或者暗示广告商品为保障健康所必需?
- [申报资讯]2015上半年化妆品注册备案新品16万个 特殊类注册备案5853个
- [审批动态]2021年11月22日保健食品批件(决定书)待领取信息-1
- [常见问题]若化妆品标签存在《办法》第二十条规定的瑕疵,企业可以采取哪些改正措施?
- [申报资讯]目前形势下化妆品进口中国的几个问题探讨
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- [审批动态]2022年03月22日化妆品批准证明文件邮寄详情单
- [常见问题]保健食品中左旋肉碱的用量限制是多少?
- [常见问题]保健食品中大肠菌群指标的检测方法应如何选择?
- [Laws]Guideline of application and evaluation of children’s cosmetics
- [News]NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Working Procedures for the Administration of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics and the Technical Guidelines for the Study and Drafting of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics
- Main Responsibilities of the National Medical Products Administration
- NMPA Announcement on Issuance and Implementation of the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Labels
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Catalogue of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (Edition 2021)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Working Procedures for the Administration of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics and the Technical Guidelines for the Study and Drafting of Supplementary Test Methods of Cosmetics
- Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidelines for Submitting Registration and Notification Dossier of Cosmetics (Interim)
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Classification Rules and Classification Catalogue of Cosmetics
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)
- Contact Us
- BeijingTianjianhuacheng International Investment Co.,Ltd
- Guideline of application and evaluation of children’s cosmetics
- Cosmetics declare FAQ
- Declarations Registered Raiders of Cosmetics
- Procedure
- NMPA Announcement on Updating the Catalogue of Raw Materials Banned for Cosmetics
- Cooperation cases
- NMPA Announcement on Issuing the Technical Guidance for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics (2021 Edition)